untitled film still # 30 [1978] (top) / untitled film still #80 [1980] (bottom)

The Untitled
Film Stills were a group of 69
pictures taken between 1977 and 1980. In the
series, Sherman portrays stereotyped female roles
in B-movies of the 1950's. What makes the series
so unique is the fact that Sherman herself is the
subject in all the images, disguised behind
make-up, wigs, and costumes. Some of the
characters Sherman portrays appear in many
photos, such as the pictures above. These create
smaller series in the larger series. The aspect
that makes these images seem like film stills is
the fact that the images are very dramatic, in
the sense that you feel like action is happening
in the images. Shown in the image above, many of
the scenes in the series hint that another
character is in the scene, although that
character is not viewable. Sherman finished the
series in 1980 after she noticed she was
repeating some of the sterotypes. |